Leading with Vision

Dave Racer
Dave Racer is an author, teacher, researcher, speaker and publisher with more than 40 years of political engagement and leadership experience. For more than 20 years, he has taught American Government and Student Senate for high school home schoolers, writing the curriculum content and directing student learning. He is a nationally recognized author and featured speaker on the U.S. health care system and on civic and political issues. Dave earned a Master of Letters Degree from Oxford Graduate School, writing his dissertation on Comprehensive Health Care Redesign. 25 Keyes to Redesigning American Health Care. His books on public policy include American Christians and Government, America’s Creed, and The Big Ideas. Dave is the President of DGRCommunications, Inc. and Alethos Press, a Minnesota-based publishing company. He is a member of the National and Minnesota Associations of Health Underwriters, and a past member of the Board of the Minnesota Physician-Patient Alliance.
Ric Olson
Executive Director
A national leader around issues regarding eldercare and housing, Ric is President of Lessons Learned Solutions LLC and an adjunct professor at Bethel University. Ric consults to elder-focused communities, as well as non-profit and for-profit organizations.

Mary Lewis
Director of Development
Mary Lewis is a Washington DC-based national development, advocacy, policy and media professional with expertise in grassroots fundraising, organizing and campaign management. She specializes as well in nonprofit and political regulatory compliance. Mrs. Lewis wrote policy and public articulation for President Ronald Reagan, serving the Reagan and Bush administrations as special assistant to four cabinet officers including U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett. She has advised and served numerous members of Congress and federal candidates.
Mrs. Lewis began in national politics providing research and policy formulation at the Free Congress Foundation after working at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace where her husband, Marlo Lewis, PhD (Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow), was a public affairs fellow. A former ROTC Pershing Rifleman, Mrs. Lewis is a graduate of Scripps College with advanced studies from Claremont Graduate School in CA and Notre Dame Institute in VA.